7 tips based on my own experience on how to start living your purpose.
I know it’s a crazy time to start talking/writing about this, because it’s crisis and you need to earn money, stay healthy, take care of your family and don’t take any risks.
But what if this is the time to change? Now that the world fell still and we have time to rethink how we’ve done things up till now. What if this is the time to do things differently and reconnect with your life’s purpose?
Have you always wanted to:
- Start a new business?
- Become a coach/teacher/speaker/writer…?
- Publish a book?
- Change jobs?
- Transform your life?
- Live your purpose?
But you don’t know where to start. And you say to yourself: “I’m not ready yet.”
You have done studies, courses, self-work, you’ve talked to experts, read a hundred books on the subject and still you say to yourself: “I’M NOT READY YET”.
You found yourself some pretty good arguments to back this up, like:
- “I don’t have enough knowledge yet.”
- “I don’t have enough money.”
- “I first need to write new texts for my website.”
- “It’s not the right time to start (especially now with the world upside down!)”
- “I still have to do that one course that will give me the right certification.”
I have used all of them myself in the past year.
Until I found a way out and began listening to my inner self, to my true nature.
How do you know it’s time to connect to your purpose?
For me it started in March 2019. I was a social entrepreneur, working long hours, doing something I liked, for a very good cause. But I felt stuck, tired and out of flow.
I missed that what made me really thrive, what made my heart beat faster and made my spirit alive. I missed living the life I’m here for. I missed the connection to (my true) nature.
Hereby 7 tips based on my own experience on how to start living your purpose:
1. Find a coach
I found a wonderful coach in the shamanic CEO Gregory Reece-Smith (who also happened to marry my husband and me a couple of months later in Portugal). In one of our first sessions he told me I could be a messenger between the spiritual and the physical world. That struck me.
2. Connect with your heart
I knew instantly that it was true, I had felt it all my life, but I hadn’t done anything with it. Many pieces of the puzzle fell into place. One of them being the jaguar, an important shamanic symbol and the animal I had tattooed on my ankle after I encountered two in the Bolivian jungle. I always felt jaguar around me ever since.
It’s crucial to connect with your heart and spirit instead of your mind. Your heart knows. Your mind will trick you with all the information and belief systems that are stored there. According to spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle 80-90% of most people’s thinking is repetitive and useless.
3. Start your journey
In the months after that transformative coaching session, I was guided by Gregory in the way of a shaman. I learned a lot from books and courses from Alberto Villoldo and Sandra Ingerman and my own journeys to the other worlds. Gregory encouraged me to start coaching people and I did, using my knowledge from NLP and Neuro Semantics.
And I made another important decision: I moved from The Netherlands to Portugal with my husband and son to live in a yurt in the middle of nature for a while.
Still, “I wasn’t ready yet” to fully go for it and use my shamanic wisdom. I needed more trust and confidence in myself. What better could I do then be on my own for a while, trusting on myself and nature? The Vision Quest called me.
4. Go on a transformation quest
I decided to do a shamanic vision quest on the amazing land I live on at the moment. So last March I went for three days and three nights in the forest without food and communication. It was a tough, intense and amazing experience that brought me many insights.
Everything in nature called me to heal myself, to heal others, to heal the world. And my first response was: “I’m not ready yet.” FinalIy I made time to investigate that belief. I asked myself a dozen questions, like:– How do I know I’m not ready yet?
- Is this believe true?
- How do I know it’s true?
- What do I believe about not being ready?
- What positive intention is behind this belief?
5. Explore your limiting beliefs
I discovered I was afraid of not being good enough. I was afraid other people would see me as some kind of weirdo talking to trees and plants. I felt insecure about what other coaches and shamanic practitioners would think. I compared myself to others.
More important: I continuously confirmed my belief of ‘not being ready’ with all kinds of so called proof and arguments.
As Shaman Alberto Villoldo says: “Like a jaguar who escaped danger and quickly clambered up a tree, where it remains, hissing at anyone who comes near.”
6. Transform your limiting beliefs
The real question was: is this belief helping me? Is it empowering? Is it making my life better? NO! So I transformed it into an empowering belief. I overcame my fears and I brought the jaguar down from the tree. It was then that I realised I’m ready when I say I’m ready.
7. Take the first step
When I came back after three days it wasn’t just me that was changed, also the world wasn’t the same anymore. The Corona Virus forced the whole world on a vision quest. I could have used this again to say that now is not the right time and I’m not ready yet. But now is the time. For me, for you, for the world.
So: I’m ready! Are you ready to live your purpose?
I guide you on a journey to discover your true nature and give you the tools on how to convert this into performance.
You can book a free 30 minute discovery session with me via aranka@junglebirds.org or www.calltheone.com/aranka