Transformational coaching for leaders who want to live and leave a meaningful legacy.

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom

Leadership starts
at the roots;
within yourself


Do you dare to TAKE

I’m Aranka

I’m the founder of Junglebirds and Lots of Lesvos, the (co-) author of 7 books, a speaker and a professional coach (Master NLP, NeuroSemantics, RETaC). I’m dedicated to leading you on your inner journey to become the wise person and leader you are meant to be.

I help CEO’s, leaders, artists and sport athletes to reconnect with their true nature and live an empowered and meaningful life.


Ready for a life changing experience?

join one of the transformation quests

are you a successful entrepreneur or LEADEr and do you feel there’s more to life?

there’s always more

How are you leading?

You are a CEO, leader or high performing professional at a crossroad in your life. You are ready for a next phase, but need some guidance along the way. Do these phrases resonate with you…

How do you feel

I want to be more authentic as a leader
Develop the skills and courage to shine as the leader you are meant to be.

I’m successful, but I miss something
Discover how to live a fulfilled life by connecting with a higher goal.

I suffer from feelings of stress and anxiety
Gain insight in how emotions work and get control over your life again.

I miss the connection with my team 
Develop your prosocial skill and create more engagement and a healthy work environment.

I’ve already done so much, I’m ready to level up
Increase your (self) awareness to grow and leave an inspiring and long-lasting legacy.

…then I invite you on a quest to reconnect with your inner wisdom and level up your leadership.

what can you expect?

my way of coaching

We have an online discovery session to see if it’s a match. I only coach people who I believe I can be of true value to and are as dedicated as I am.

I’m a certified professional NLP coach by Robbie Steinhouse at NLP School in London and a member of the International Coach Federation. I’m also a certified NLP Master by Robert Dilts at the NLP University in Santa Cruz. In the past 20 years I followed several Neuro Semantics trainings with Michael Hall and Wassili Zafiris and did the RETaC foundation training. Besides that I’m interested in neuroscience and indigenous practises.

I have a down to earth way of coaching and I like painting outside of the box. I’m supportive, though not afraid to challenge you, always with respect and an open mind.

  • Better
  • Live a more
  • Leave
    a positive
  • Become
    a wiser person
    and leader

A Wise Leader makes choices based on the common good and has a purpose aligned with what the world needs today.

Jane Goodall, Brené Brown, Richard Branson, Kevin Richardson, Ghandi, Walt Disney and Kuki Gallman inspire me as wise leaders. I use their strategies in helping my clients grow. Wanna know more?

REConnect with your true nature


This e-book is for successful performers that are looking for more meaning in their life. It contends questions exercises and insights that help you discover your true purpose.

Transformation quest

The Transformation Quest is inspired by the Vision Quest, an age-old ritual in which indigenous people retreat to nature to discover their purpose in life, often through visions. It is traditionally a solitary pilgrimage marking a period of transition, preceded in many cultures by fasting and meditation. During a transformation quest you immerse yourself in nature from 1-4 days without food, phone or other distraction.

This is a journey without paved roads, train tickets or booked hotels. A journey through the jungle of your thoughts, across the river of your emotions, beyond the mountains of your beliefs, in the deep caves of your soul. A journey that will transform your life and initiate a new beginning.

Aranka Portugal

“Aranka is an inspiring
coach who has given
me many new insights.
She creates the perfect
to get started
with new ideas right away.”

Kim Roza
Manager Ivoren Wachttorens

“Aranka’s knowledge,
clear and transparent approach
has ensured that I have a clearer
picture of who I am and which
path I want to take.”

Nicci Severens
Founder Lotus Sailing

“Aranka is passionately
driven to make a positive
change in both people’s lives
as in the world. She is a very
skilled coach that
I highly recommend.”

Ben Steenstra
Co-Founder TheONE

“Aranka helped me to get
clear on my purpose,
goals and limiting believes
and supported me with just
the right approach in order
to kick start my new project”

Esther Ruurda
Founder Malibu Shanga